
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Freedom of Choice or are we good little Sheeple?

There are many reasons that we buy the products that we do and one factor is advertisements.  Every day we are bombarded with images and messages that try to influence the purchases that we make.  Everything from the type of cars we buy to the particular foods we eat.  Although we would like to think that we have 'freedom of choice', do we really?  Take a look at the video "Mind Control" and just maybe your thoughts will change!
Video: "Mind Control"  can be watched on YouTube at
After watching the video ask yourself the following questions:
1. Do you choose certain products whether they are on sale or not?
2. If there were generic products that were identical to the products you currently buy would you purchase them instead?  Why or why not?
3. Are there certain restaurants that you prefer to eat at than others?  What is your reason for going to that particular restaurant?
4. Do you believe products that cost more are better?  Why or why not?
5. Are there any brand name products that you are loyal to?  Why?
6. How much influence do you think advertisements have on your choices?  How much do you think they influence the choices of children?
7. Most importantly, how much influence do you think advertisements have had on the obesity epidemic?

Please feel free to share your thoughts below!! 

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